Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all. I grew up with a "true" father in the sense of having a "dad" to call on everyday. But I did have an older cousin who filled the roll of Daddy better than many men could have. He is only a few yrs older than me but always managed to seem like my protector, friend, and at times my worst enemy. I still adore him. And hope he knows just how much I love him and appreciate all he did for me. There where times I'm not sure I'd have made it without him.

I have a stepdad, now. He's nice and he's good. I do love him even though we haven't been a family for long. I don't feel I need a "daddy" anymore but it's nice to have him around.

Then I have a great fatherinlaw. I love him as well. He's a great fatherinlaw.

And I have my hubby who is the best dad in the whole world. He adores our kids, even if he does like to pick on them! He's there when I need him and he's a great provider for us all. He works hard to give us the things he can. For that I hope he has a great day.

To all the "Dads" out there have a great Father's day!!!! Anyone can be a father but it takes a special man to be a Dad!


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