Thursday, September 11, 2008

I visited Joyce Anthony's blog today and she had this meme going and I thought is was fun so I figured I'd answer it here.

Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster - January 28, 1986
I was in school, we had all gone to this room to watch the Shuttle. I was in elementary school so it wasn't pretty. I remember us all crying and in shock and just sitting there.

The Oklahoma City Bombing - April 19, 1995
I remember it, but I honestly can't remember where I was.

Princess Diana's Death - 31 August 1997

Me and my dh were at his parents house at the river. I sat up all night watching the chase then the crash and I remember crying.

Attack on the Twin Towers - 11 September 2001

I was at home with my 11 day old newborn. I remember my emotions most of all. I was sad, angry, hurt, fearful and just plain upset. It's a day I'll never forget.

Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster - February 1, 2003
humm this one I'd have to think about. I don't remember seeing it until it was on the news later on.

7th Harry Potter Book is Released - 21 July 2007

Who knows, probably asleep or reading or something. It meant nothing to me.

Michael Phelps Wins His 8th Gold Medal - August 16, 2008
I wasn't watching I was reading most likely.
