Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cleaning, and unpacking.

I have a full day planned for tomorrow.
things to do:(Friday-Sunday)
1)Clean and straighten my son's room
2)clean and straighten my daughter's room
3)clean and straighten our bathroom(hopefully move tools to an outside area...)
4)work some more on the kitchen and laundry room
5)rearrange livingroom to fit new recliner in space.........figure out how to make a small room seem bigger when hubby keeps adding more and more furniture and expects my stuff to moved out....surprise my bookcases are staying......think he'll mind sitting on the porch?
6)help hubby deliver newsletters and candy
7)prepare for booksigning on Sat, make sure I have directions and books to get signed.
8)mail out books
9)put things in the grain bin and take new things out of grain bin(that maybe more on Sunday than Sat though, we'll have to see....)

Long days but maybe I'll get everything done I want to get done. My son has surgery on Monday and I'm nervous about it, so maybe if I stay busy I won't worry so much. Not likely to happen, since I worry anyway but we'll see.

Have a nice weekend everyone.

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