Wednesday, July 02, 2008

it's the small things, ya know?

I was thinking today about the small things. The times my husband has fixed the radio so the speakers were how I like them, or when he makes sure the A/C is on if we've been gone but will be returning that day....or when he buys a shower head because it's one the hotel in Fla had that I loved, or the sink fixture that matched the bath fixture because I said "but I'd really like them to match" or buying the sink fixture with a sprayer even though it means more work for him.......or coming home with books even after fussing about how many books I own(his most often used words are "don't you think you have enough books already?" to which I always respond "there is no such thing as enough books").....or eating foods I like or going out to eat because I complained we didn't see enough of each other.......

The small things the kids do like saying "what?" "I didn't do nothing" "but moma I love you sooo much" Or when Jr made a book for mother's day and said I was old but weighted only like 80lbs...LOL

Or my baby girl saying "it's me and moma this time" or I love you moma" or any number of little things. The looks they can give you, the smiles on their faces when you've been gone only 10minutes......the love that shines within their eyes when they see you coming.....There's a 101 things they do, say or just have about them that is hard to explain but means so much. My son looking and acting so much like his daddy, my baby girl wanting moma and wanting to look like me(Lord help her, I hope not) hubby trying to make me laugh even when I'm really teed at him, and me trying my best not to smile at him, but not succeeding.....

It's the small things that add up to make things work. The big things are nice, a Volvo when we needed a new car (it's not new, it's a '92 model but I love it wouldn't want to trade it unless it's for a newer model), or there are other big things he's done. But it's the small things. I get to stay home with our kids while he works, and works hard. That's a big and small thing at once. The day to day things about it maybe small but the overall affect it has on our lives is big. My kids will always be able to say "my mom was home with us". That's a big thing for me. I never had any dreams or plans to be a career woman. At one time I wanted to be a Vet, but then I helped a Vet and realized I'd have to put pets to sleep, couldn't do it. Lost that dream very early on, I knew it wasn't in me to do it. Heck I did all I could when I was 14 to keep a kitten alive that was just a little over 4wks old and had lost an eye to our dog, woke every 1hr and half to 2hrs to feed her with a needle and did all the things she needed, knowing she'd most likely only live a couple of weeks, but I had to try.....

I had figured I'd might try graphic design since I liked it in school..I loved reading and writing as well...but above it all, even as a kid I wanted to be a mom. A mom who could stay home with my kids. It means I don't have a new car, I don't wear the latest fashions, I don't buy designer clothes, or the newest gadgets. But I get to be a stayathome mom. I love it much more than all the other stuff. My kids want for very little. Do they get every new toy? No. But they do have tons and plenty of clothes and enough food. Everything they "need" and lots of what they "want". Plus mom is ALWAYS there.

Well after this long post. My point is that I was thinking about all the small things my husband does that I forget to thank him for. It's the small things that show me how much he loves me. I wonder if the things I do show him how much I love and adore him? Maybe if we took more time to notice the small things, the extra napkins when a fast food cashier notices we have kids, the smile from the bank teller when the kids are getting on your nerves by not being still at the bank, the parent in line ahead of you or behind you who smiles and says "I remember when mine were that age....don't worry it gets easier and harder", the photographer who says "they are such happy children, what did you do?" the teacher who says" I love knowing I'll have them in my class, not just for them, but because I get to have you as well"......the small little things, a smile from a cashier...a thank you that is whispered......a laugh from our kids when they see a bird.....a smile and look mom that's a turtle chasing a squirrel when they see the clouds or a 'mom did they have clouds when you were a kid'(you know cause I'm so old) or even the "mom was Jesus alive when you were a kid?" (okay that one kinda hurts, but still it's from a 6yr old, the fact it's asking about Jesus is a pleasure)'s the small things that are done, not for a great reward, but just because. Because it's nice. The email that comes and says "hey hadn't talked to you in awhile just wanted to say "hi""......the book that arrives with bookmarks and postcards and such because the author knows I adore them and collect them....the remarks from an author when you've written a review of their work. It's all little things that often go unnoticed, but I think they are the best things about life. The small nice it is that small things add up to be bigger than the world.....


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