Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter and families

Well Easter had passed. This year was good. We went to my mom's on Sat and hubby's grandmother's on Sunday. The Kids had fun, but I must say that at times I have to wonder about families.

We didn't get to see my cousins' this year but maybe next year we will or maybe for the 4th of July. I miss doing all the holidays with them and seeing them almost everyday. That's one of my biggest regrets about living my hometown is not being with my family as much. My mom is almost 2hrs away as well and I hate that. At some point in the next few years I'd love to buy land and build a home closer to her. More midway between inlaws and her. I know my inlaws will hate that, since I know they won't venture to come see us. If they can't come 5miles why would they travel 45?

Easter did make me think about the Easters I had as a Kid. I think the one I remember the best was the year I got a plastic wheelbarrow. We all got one filled with candy and goodies. It was a cheap plastic thing but man we loved those things. My cat, Lucy(he was male but I didn't know that when I named him and he never would come to any other name, so he was Lucy). Anyway I'd put him in the wheelbarrow and my cousin would put one of the dogs in their's and we'd race.LOL. We had the best time just playing the yard no real need for alot of money being spent, no need to go anywhere. We had all we wanted. We had kids to play with, toys that we loved,pets that let us do things we really shouldn't have, and the love of my mom and Grandma. What more could we want? It was so simple back then. We didn't worry about money or paying the bills, or if things where going alright at home. All we cared about was how long after the lights came on would we be allowed to stay outside and play monster or statue and who would have to be it to start with and if we'd get to stay out later since it was a holiday or not. We didn't know just how good we had it. Now it's just another day to spend way toooo much money on things the kids won't remember what they did with in 2 weeks time. I miss the old days so much. I think it's part of why I have no desire to live in a populated area. I want to live out in the country where my kids can explore the woods as I did, where you can run all day long and never see a car come by, where you hear every animal in the woods at night and can name them, where life somehow seems less rushed and more laid back. I want my kids to remember a life a without being inside all day playing gameboy or watching TV. Isn't that odd? As a teen I was bored and wanted a faster life, I wanted to live uptown, I wanted to be in the middle of all the excitement, now I want nothing to do with any of it.

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