Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Historical romances

I recently read a historical romance that had the couple going through many strifes without benefit of marriage or even really being together. And it got me to wondering, is this a better storyline to me or do I prefer the ones that have said hero and heroine in the struggles together. I find that it all depends on the writing. I think if it takes too long for our hero/heroine to finally get together I lose interest in the story. I want them to fight their battles together. Doesn't matter of it's an outside threat or misunderstanding or just self esteem issues. I think I do honestly prefer the couple be together, even if they seperate for a time, at least they where together. While some stories work with a couple being together at the beginning then being seperated then together at the end, I don't care too much for a story that has them falling in love then suddenly seperated without umm fulfilling that love. So I'm wondering what others think and prefer.

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