Thursday, April 13, 2006


I swear sometimes I think life without them would be sooooo much better. I honestly believe men have a monthly just like women. They just don't necessarily have the evidence we have for it. I adore my husband, I love him dearly, but sometimes I'd love to send him on a one way trip to the moon. I know some of you feel this way as well. I mean I'll talk about tonight. He goes to his parents, calls me to say he's going by there to drop off the new floor for the other house(okay so it's a mobile home still we are putting in hardwood floors---don't ask this is another of those MEN moments) and I ask if he's eating up there. He tells me "yes if she'll cook for me". Umm she never doesn't cook for him! So I talk to him later on and he's according to him dog tired from putting that floor in a room up there.(just for storage mind you) anyway he comes home and after being here for 3hrs starts in on why I didn't cook. Um I cooked for me and kids at 6:30 when he was at his mommy's. I told him there was stuff in the mircowave. He didn't get up, so I put it in the fridge. He proceeds to get mad because I didn't serve him his food. Umm not your maid here! He knows I hate it when he tries to act like I'm his mom. Nothing against his mom really. She's great. I love her, but she's from a totally different generation of women. Add in I was brought up by 2 very independent women, and you don't get a woman who's gonna 'serve' her husband. Esp without him asking me nicely. So now he's mad I'm on the computer and goodness he might have to watch the two rugrats for 20mins without me. OMG that's too much to ask. Afterall he worked all day. All I did was take 2 children under 5 to the doctor, which took hrs of keeping them from destroying the new doctor's office, then went shopping for cold meats and stuff for the next week, with these 2 children who where not in the mood to be cooped up again in a buggy. Ohh that wasn't work. Naw that's easy. He just had to supervise some construction workers today OMG he did so dang much I feel sorry for him. Okay I know he works hard some days, but some day she does nothing! I mean it's not that hard to supervise grown men who know what they are doing and just need you in the building, boring but not hard. Okay now the babies want mom to go to bed so I'm off to sleep. Hope this Easter is a blessing for all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


After being with my husband for almost 28 years. I know exactly what you mean. The older we get, the harder it is for me to understand. They can be complicated. Which is what I'm sure he says about me. Hang in there hon.
