Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A new day

LOL a new day in the life of the zoo keepers. That's what we aught to be. With two kids, Princess and Buddy who don't understand that some things they just can't do yet. Like feeding mealworms to dragons. Not something a 4 and 2 yr old need to do. When my hubby gets up in the morning it's usually not long before 2 little ones are tagging along behind him to help feed the dragons and geckos. They thing it's alot of fun and can't wait until they get one in their rooms.

And the same thing happened this morning. Only with a slight difference. This morning at 3 am, the two little monsters where up ready to do daddy's work for him. Needless to say that they had not done it exactly right seeing as they can't reach the cages or display cases for the animals. Hubby had the honor of cleaning up the mess, while moma got a little more sleep. Afterall staying up until 3 am to play with a blog is important.:)

Now I'm off to read finish reading some books and see what else these little monsters get into. Tomorrow Buddy gets glasses and hopefully a haircut.

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