Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

So it's almost 2009 and you are wondering where I've been? Well let's see, first I helped put the decorations at my fatherinlaws and my parents. Then I cooked my first Christmas meal on Christmas Eve, and we had a full Holiday season. We went to alot of places! Now I am preparing to cook again tomorrow for the new Year! I put up my fatherinlaw's Christmas stuff today, I've been putting my stuff up for 2 days now. And next weekend I'll put up my mom's stuff. We are having a Holiday Family Gathering at her house this weekend so we're leaving her stuff up for that. I haven't been reading much. But that's good. It's meant more time with family.

I guess the really big news is that my DH is no longer working a "job". He now only works for himself. It's exciting and scary. I'll try to keep updated on how things are going. So far very good. My DH is so much more relaxed and settled and I think happy. I'm actually not as scared as I thought I'd be over it all. I do think God is/was leading us to this point.
Okay I hope everyone has a great New Year!!!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My tree is up, my tree is up. I'm as excited as my kids. They keep asking is it Christmas now moma? Is it Christmas.LOL It's small and certainly won't win any awards, but I'm happy as can be with it. I've got ornaments from my grandmother on it and from her grandmother, as well as ones my kids have made and special ones from friends and so on. Makes me smile just to look at it. I do so love Christmas!!!
hugs to you all. Now to go put up my mom's I'll post pics of her tree later on.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!

Have a great day and weekend.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Family pics

Well here we are. Or at least some of us. We are missing a few, but here are a few of us. In the picture with the 5 of us, 2 are missing. I'd love to get a family picture of us all since the last one was done when we were kids. And one with us with our kids and spouses. Maybe one of these days I'll get it. This is me with my cousins, but I don't see them as "cousins". We were raised to be like brothers and sisters. So I'll forever see them as my brothers and sister. I miss seeing them almost everyday. I miss the closeness we had as kids. I miss the feeling of knowing that if I needed ANYTHING I could call any of them and they'd come.
I just wanted to share this beautiful family I have.

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...

Well on Wednesday my son had to go have 4 teeth pulled. We went to have one pulled or so I thought. Since he had a tooth that had wiggled but then the new tooth came in and he wouldn't let us pull the baby tooth. He lost one on the bottom, somewhere, a few days prior. I think he ate it. But this one just wouldn't come out and I was a bit concerned. So I called the dentist and took him in. They did x-rays and decided he needed 4 teeth pulled! They used gas to sedate him some and pulled four baby teeth so his permanent teeth could come in right. Apparently the new teeth were basically eating the roots of the baby teeth and rather than them coming out they were just being eaten.LOL One of his permanent teeth had started to twist so there was concern that if we didn't pull the 4 he'd need more work later on. So he lost 4 teeth, but honestly with the one that had already come in, it looks like he only lost 1/2. Later on, he'll probably have to have more pulled. Since his permanent teeth appear to be a LOT bigger than his baby teeth. He was so excited the tooth fairy left him $5 in rolled change(hey it was all I had in cash).LOL

So now we'll see if I can get him to sing that song, All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...LOL

I've been really sick the last few days but I'll post again soon.

hugs to everyone,

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


We found out today that my great uncle Warren passed away this morning. My great Aunt Norma isn't taking it well. But then I think they'd been together for about 70 years. So I may be a bit before I go back to posting. I hope to do a post on my great Uncle with pictures of him.


Monday, November 03, 2008

Halloween 2008

Well for this Halloween we went to the beach. For the first time my kids actually got to go door to door for trick or treating. They had a ball and so did I. I think I was excited as they were.LOL

In case you can't tell my baby girl is Sleeping Beauty and my dear son is a race car driver.

They had a lot of fun and I look forward to doing it again soon. Now it's time to prepare for celebrating Christmas and making sure we keep Christ in all our plans.

Have a great week.



Saturday, October 25, 2008

I got a 100 mom!

I just had to share.....My son came home on Friday and was so excited! For the first time since school started my baby boy got a 100 on his spelling test!!!!!!!! I'm just so thrilled. I actually cried yesterday when I held it. Most won't understand I'm sure. But my son has issues with speech, vision, and a specific learning disablity that we've as yet not had labeled. Getting the evaulation done has been worse than getting teeth pulled. So he's struggled with education issues. He's in 1st grade and I think is making great efforts to succeed but it's hard for him. So getting a 100 is a HUGE deal and we are so thrilled. He is going to be rewarded for all his hard work.
I'm just so proud of my baby.
Just had to share,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

An owl!

Isn't it great? I took this shot, this morning. I love to see nature in it's natural environment and loved that this owl didn't fly away when I drove by, then when I turned around it let me walk up close to it and never moved. It stayed there until another car came by then flew away. I wish I'd gotten a shot of it flying, but I'll admit the car scared me as well.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Read All About it Contest....Shiloh Walker Contest...

blog all about it
So how do you win this one? That’s easy.
You just blog about it. All you have to do is take the excerpt below and the cover graphic, post them to your blog, and then send me an email @ contest4shiloh(at) with the words BLOG ALL ABOUT IT in the subject line. In the email, make sure you include a link to your blog post.

Prize will be:
ARC of FRAGILE, my 2/09 release (this will not be mailed until January)
Gift Certificate for $40 to the bookstore of your choice (as long as I can purchase the GC certificate online, you can pick whatever bookstore you want)
Two books from my available backlist
Goody bag.

If you select a large chain bookstore, I reserve the right to buy a gift card
that will then be mailed with your other prizes. Please allow 6-8 weeks to
receive all prizes. Other yadda yadda rules…open to anybody, no purchase
necessary, all you have to do to enter is to blog about it, and if you live
outside the country, please allow an extra 4 weeks for delivery. Contest
runs throw 11/11/08, all entries must be posted before 11/11/08 in order to
qualify. Void where prohibited.

To Enter!
Just copy and paste the info below onto your blog, email me a link to the post using the addy posted above (please double check the email addy-I’m not responsible if it’s sent to the wrong addy) and viola…you’re entered.

The weird sense of deja vu exploded into something
else entirely. Something that shook her to the core. His eyes narrowed and he
reached up, caught her chin in his, staring at her.
She was pale and Cullen
thought she looked every bit as shaken as he felt. “The dreams,” he muttered. He
caught her face in his hands and forced her to look at him, staring into her
pale gray eyes. The ugly, dark bruise around her left eye made her iris seem
that much paler and as he watched, the pupil flared, enlarging until just a
sliver of gray of visible.
Taige tried to jerk away and he wouldn’t let her.
“You had the dreams, too, didn’t you?” he demanded.
Her voice shook as she
reached up with one hand to jerk on his wrist, trying to break his hold. “Let go
of me.”
Slowly, he shook his head. “You have,” he whispered, dismay spreading
through him.
Dismay–and something else. She’d always held herself apart from
him in those dreams. But through those dreams, he’d gotten to know her, gotten
to know the woman she had become. She was pulling away from him not because she
was angry at him, or because she didn’t want anything to do with him.
pulled back because she still loved him.

releasing 11/4/08…
Want to read more? Click here

Friday, October 03, 2008


I wasn't going to post today. I have tons I need to be doing, a great book I want to read, and packing to get done. But I was sitting here playing online and working as well. And I started to smell cigar smoke. Now I live in a singlewide, way out in the middle of nowhere. So there is no reason for this smell. DH nor I smoke, nor does anyone who's been in our house. Now in the past I've smelled my granddaddy's cologne, or something that reminds me of my grandma. And I figure they are just letting me know they are around. But I don't know of anyone who smokes cigars. I can't figure out why I'd be smelling cigar smoke. I have a cousin who smokes them once in awhile, but he's at home and fine last I spoke with him. I can't recall any one else close to me smoking them. But it's kinda freaky.

Have you all ever smelled something out of place? Something that reminds you of someone or a special memory but there's nothing around to make that smell?

Well I probably won't be around much we have plans for the weekend. So I'll post again on Monday. I'm thinking of setting up a wordpress blog. But I'll have to think some more about it.

hugs to everyone,

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

a Long day....

Well yesterday I had a meeting at my son's school. My son has issues with speech, vision and I believe a degree of learning disability. I've been telling the school system since May of 08 that I want an evaluation done. It's a test to determine what he specific needs might be and how we can best help him. Well we met yesterday or rather I met with a team yesterday. They've decided he'll get help via their speech program *he goes to a private speech program done by ECU now* so that's great. But getting the evaluation done. Well, that's like pulling teeth. It's an issue because of his age. It's an issue because of the tests and so on and so on. They basically made me feel like his problems are my fault. He's behind and I get that. Is there more I can do, of course. I'm by no means a great parent, I try but I'm not perfect. But it really tees me off that I've been telling them since May he has needs and issues I want addressed and I want the testing done so we'll know exactly what areas need extra attention and maybe a way to offer him the extra help he needs. This is NOT the first they are hearing about this. They've suggested "strongly" that I remove him from 1st grade after 6 weeks in the class and put him back in Kindergarten. They made me feel as though they were hinting that because he went to a 1/2 program last year he's further behind than he might have been. I don't agree with that. His previous teacher was excellent, she helped him grow and learn a LOT last year. I don't think he would have done as well in a full day program. And my concerns are many about putting him back into 'K' now. I mean these kids will know he was demoted. I'm sorry they can say "we won't allow bullying or teasing" all they won't, it's not gonna stop it from happening. But then I have to wonder if it's better in the long run for him to redo "K" and maybe get ahead rather than being behind. I'm not sure if later in life he'll be upset that he's a year to two years older than everyone in his class. Which is more important his emotional and mental health and self-esteem or his education? And will his education do more to help his self-esteem than anything else? But then I wonder would he benefit from outside tutoring and extra help from the school, 30mins a day pulled out to practice and learn one on one with an LD teacher? I say he would benefit greatly from that, but I'm told they have temper that with what he'll miss in class. But I say "if you pull him out during reading to practice reading/writing one on one, what is he missing out on??" Is he not still learning what they are but in a one on one environment vs a situation of 22 or more students with one teacher? Am I so wrong in that? Why is it that my son is not extremely disabled, he's not Austic, he's not mentally slow, he's not suffering from disease or anything else, he just has a specific need and we can't get help. If he was a great student we'd get help, if he was severely in need we'd get help. But we fall in this little area of well he's not that stupid and he's not brilliant, you need to wait. We'll wait and see. Let's hold him back a year. But how he heck will that help him? Holding him back is all good and well if he still gets the programs he needs! If it's just so he can be in the same situation just being with younger kids and trying to learn the things he's already been through......well he had issues learning it then, what you think if you keep repeating the same information in the same why he'll just suddenly change and get it? I don't. He learns in a different way. I'm not sure what that way is. I'm not sure how to change things to help him. Basically we will end up falling through the cracks and he'll be a kid who ends up getting no help from anyone at the school system and it'll be "well if the parents......" Well his parents are trying and we aren't getting a dang thing. I want to know if NC made so much money on the lottery for education why can't a program be put in place to help kids like my son? What are we supposed to do? Just wait until he's older and others might finally see what I've been saying for 3yrs? What I'm his mom but I'm to stupid to see my child needs special and specific help? If you can't tell I'm still a bit teed. We are supposed to met again in about 2wks. No set date yet. And we'll go from there again. They want us in the meanwhile to consider pulling him from 1st and putting him in "K". I'm torn on this. And I'm still angry over it all. So I told the dh that he'll need to be off to go with me. I wanted to curse them out yesterday. So I don't think I should do this alone. I get too frustrated with it all and then I want someone to understand what I am trying to say. I know my son has speech issues that has delayed alot of his learning. He has vision issues that hasn't helped. But with the vision being corrected and the speech being dealt with we still have other issues. So I want to know what the root cause is of this issue and how to help him with it. I want answers not suggestions that I hold my son back another year. He is 7! I won't keep holding him back because they don't want to take the time to help him. He pulls down their scores. I'm not stupid. I know if he stays with the class he is now, he will likely hold them down on the EOGs next year and the next year, if they test in 2nd and I'm not sure they do. And it will affect them. So they figure hold him a year and let's see if he can catch up. If not we might try to do something. Yes this is how I feel they are treating us. We are a bother and they want us gone. If my son would do it, I'll pull him out and do homeschooling. A LOT easier on me, a better for him. But he likes going to school to play with the other kids. He wants to try this. And if he wants it then I want it for him. But I can't let him stay where he is and he's failing. He's not where the other kids are. He's struggling with the homework sometimes. He's got needs that I want met and his school is NOT doing this. So it's been a LONG day and I'm sure it'll be a LONG two weeks. I'm looking forward to this weekend and some time away. If anyone reads this and has advice or suggestions, websites, help I can get, I'd love to know about it.


Monday, September 29, 2008

About Me Meme

I was tagged by: Mimi B.

Here's the rules for those I'm tagging. Check the list after my 6 THINGS to see if you're it then:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag sixish people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know he or she has been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Six Random things about Me:

1) I have lived in about 20 different houses but all within my state and most within the same town.

2) I have a "To Be Read" pile of more than 2000 books!

3) My dh and I own our own business, a Home Inspections business:

4) My real name is NOT Wendy:

5) I collect a ton of things, not the least of which is anything Mickey Mouse, Disney movies, Elvis Presley, and a lot of other things. My favorites that are "cheap" are floater pens, but they are getting harder and harder to find.

6) I love to take pictures of everything.

6 People I've tagged:

Saturday, September 27, 2008

We bought a Motorcycle!!!!

Our new baby.Isn't it pretty?

Our recent trip to the beach...

*************We took a trip to Atlantic Beach, NC and here ar some photos from our trip. We had a great time. My kids adore going to the beach, and it's very relaxing everytime we go there. I'm hoping to go this year for Halloween and to maybe go on the Ghost Tours. But we'll have to wait and see.
Enjoy a few of our photos.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A long week....

It's been a long week as I've battled whatever this was. It started last week when buddy came home with a stomach virus. We all had it. And buddy got it twice. Then I just felt awful. Kinda like the flu but not. DH said I was too cranky and not fit company for "man nor beast". LOL

I was a cranky soul. I'll admit it. Okay I can't play too long I've got reviews to write.

hugs to you all,

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

If you want to talk about a great issue.....

Hello everyone, Marvin Wilson over at

has a great post today on Fathers vs. Dads. There is a major difference between being a "father" and being a "dad". It'd be great if you'd go offer your thoughts on it.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

If you follow along for the festivities of BBAW at My Friend Amy, you will find many chances to win LOTS of goodies! Like what? Well have a look below. All of these things will be given away between September 15-19. There will be a huge variety of ways to win them and giveaways will be announced constantly throughout the week. So be sure to check in often!
Daily Raffles:
Monday--Books and Chocolate sponsored by My Friend Amy and Hey Lady! Whatcha' Readin?Tuesday--Books and Going Green sponsored by My Friend Amy
Wednesday--Books and Coffee sponsored by My Friend Amy
Thursday--Books and Charity sponsored by My Friend Amy and Fashionista Piranha
Friday--Books and Movies sponsored by My Friend Amy
Win a Book Club Girl Hostess Survival Kit!
Do you find it's your turn to host book club and not only do you not know what to serve but you don't know what books to offer up for the next month's selection?!
Let Book Club Girl come to your rescue with the Book Club Girl Hostess Survival Kit.
One lucky winner of the kit will receive:
* A basket of cheese, crackers, cookies and wine for up to 12 people*
5 great book group books to vote on for your group's next pick. And Book Club Girl will then donate 12 copies whichever book is chosen for your entire group to read.*
12 Book Club Girl mousepads to give out as party favors that night*
12 Book Club Girl bookmarks to mark everyone's favorite passages*
12 Book Club Girl coasters to protect your coffee table from all those wine glasses!
TWO SORMAG Goody Bags containing books and more!
A Special Pamper Me Basket from Cafe of Dreams!
From Avon Foot Works~ Inflatable watermelon shaped foot tub~
3.4 FL oz Watermelon Cooling Foot Lotion~ 3.4 FL oz Watermelon Exfoliating Foot Scrub~
12 count Watermelon Effervescent Foot Tablets~
An ARC of So Long At The Fair by Christina Schwarz~
A variety of Hot Chocolate and Tea mixes
A pre-made blog template from SNSDesign!
A Subscription to Poetry Magazine from Savvy Verse and Wit!
Mistress of the Revolution by Catherine Delors
The Moon in the Mango Tree by Pamela Binnings
EwenThe Spanish Bow by Andromeda Romano-Lax
John's Quest by Cecelia Dowdy
Confessions of a Contractor by Richard Murphy
Acedia & Me by Kathleen Norris
The Wordy Shipmates by Sarah Vowell
The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks
The Book of Lies by Brad Meltzer
Supreme Courtship by Christopher Buckley
A Tale Out of Luck by Willie Nelson with Mike Blakely
The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent
When Will There Be Good News by Kate Atkinson
An Exact Replica of a Figment of My Imagination by Elizabeth McCracken
Exit Music by Ian Rankin
The Smart One and the Pretty One by Claire LaZebnik
Gunmetal Black by Daniel Serrano
Isolation by Travis Thrasher
The Miracle Girls by Anne Dayton and May Vanderbilt
Every Freaking! Day With Rachell Ray by Elizabeth Hilts
Dewey by Vicki Myron
The Shiniest Jewel by Marian Henley
Keep the Faith by Faith Evans
The Book of Calamities by Peter Trachtenberg
A is for Atticus by Lorilee Craker
After the Fire by Robin Gaby Fisher
Mike's Election Guide by Michael Moore
War as They Knew It by Michael Rosenberg
Fixing Hell By Col. (ret.) Larry C. James
Wild Boy: My Life with Duran Duran by Andy Taylor
The Last Under-Cover: The True Story of an FBI Agent's Dangerous Dance with Evil By Bob Hamer
Border Lass by Amanda Scott
Insatiable Desire by Rita Heron
Hungry for More by Diana Holquist
Free Food for Millionaires by Min Jin Lee
Trespassers Will Be Baptized by Elizabeth Emerson Hancock
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by Trish Ryan
Never Surrender by General Jerry Boykin
Dream in Color by Congresswoman Linda Sánchez, Congresswoman Loretta Sánchez
Beyond Belief by Josh Hamilton
Cobain Unseen by Charles R. Cross
Doing Business in 21st Century India by Gunjan Bagla
Branding Only Works on Cattle by Jonathan Salem Baskin
Launching a Leadership Revolution by Chris Brady, Orrin Woodward
How to Hear from God by Joyce Meyer
Knowing Right from Wrong by Thomas D. Williams
Pope John Paul II: An Intimate Life by Caroline Pigozzi
Pure by Rebecca St. James
He Loves Me! by Wayne Jacobson
So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore by Wayne Jacobson and Dave Coleman
Move On, Move Up by Paula White
The Rosary by Gary Jansen
Shoot the Moon by Billie Letts
The Choice by Nicholas Sparks
Right Livelihoods by Rick Moody
by George by Wesley Stace
The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold
Trunk Music by Michael Connelly
Hollywood Crows by Joseph Wambaugh
Dead Boys by Richard Lange
The Gifted Gabaldon Sisters by Lorraine Lopez
Sisterchicks Go Brit! by Robin Jones Gunn
Beyond the Night by Marlo Schalesky
With Endless Sight by Allison Pittman
Harlequin Titles: To Be Announced
Many other blogs are giving away books and prizes for BBAW as well! You can see the links to all of these giveaways here.Interested in gaining entries into the daily raffles? Post this complete list on your blog with links and you'll earn two extra entries!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I visited Joyce Anthony's blog today and she had this meme going and I thought is was fun so I figured I'd answer it here.

Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster - January 28, 1986
I was in school, we had all gone to this room to watch the Shuttle. I was in elementary school so it wasn't pretty. I remember us all crying and in shock and just sitting there.

The Oklahoma City Bombing - April 19, 1995
I remember it, but I honestly can't remember where I was.

Princess Diana's Death - 31 August 1997

Me and my dh were at his parents house at the river. I sat up all night watching the chase then the crash and I remember crying.

Attack on the Twin Towers - 11 September 2001

I was at home with my 11 day old newborn. I remember my emotions most of all. I was sad, angry, hurt, fearful and just plain upset. It's a day I'll never forget.

Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster - February 1, 2003
humm this one I'd have to think about. I don't remember seeing it until it was on the news later on.

7th Harry Potter Book is Released - 21 July 2007

Who knows, probably asleep or reading or something. It meant nothing to me.

Michael Phelps Wins His 8th Gold Medal - August 16, 2008
I wasn't watching I was reading most likely.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Family Gatherings and other things

This coming Sat. I will be traveling a bit go to a family gathering. My great aunt Ruth will be coming from Va and we haven't seen her in awhile so that will be great. Only her and my great uncle Warren are left of my granddaddy's family. Aunt Ruth is the baby and Uncle Warren was the oldest boy. He was the only other boy besides my grandad as well. He looks alot like my granddaddy according to my mom. It's always nice to get together with them, but sadly it's also a bit of a downer. Because I know once my Uncle Warren and Aunt Ruth, and uncle Warren's wife, Aunt Norma are gone that will be it of them. And once my cousins, the ones my mom's age and all are gone there will most likely not be anymore gatherings or reunions. Sadly my generation is not as close as theirs is. We know each other, some better than others but mostly we don't get together and when we do we rarely talk to each other, we talk with the older crowd. So it's a sad thing to me to see. I feel closer to the generation that is older than me than to the one that is my contemporaries. And going to gatherings is almost like a countdown to the last one. I think about the past and remember when my grandmother was alive. And it really makes me wish we had taken the time to build lasting relationships rather than just knowing each other's names. There are some within the family who are close, cousins who are closer kin because they are the children of brothers/sisters, and some because they were/are the same age, but for the most part we are a disconnected bunch of people who can trace their family to the same people. Very sad to me. I long for a family that is close, that knows each others secrets, that has children who play together and would know each other if we ran into each other when out and about. With the internet so much in use now, you'd think families could be closer, but I have to wonder if it doesn't make us less intimate now.

I can remember as a kid loading up in the car with my mom, and grandma to go ride to see my great uncle Warren and his family. Or go to see my great aunt Addie and Uncle Damon, or to see Aunt Ruth and Uncle Edward. They were the ones who lived closest so we could ride and see them. My mom remembers that every Sunday you went to Grandma's house. My kids don't know that. They won't ever say "we all loaded up and went to grandma's to eat lunch after church on Sunday." Because it doesn't happen. I see my mom often, she comes here or I got there. It's just not the same as what she remembers or I remember. We don't get together once a month or more with cousins and other relatives to eat and just be together.

I just wonder with people being able to connect without that person to person connection if it's really connecting. Are we really fooling ourselves with the world is smaller, or are we making things harder on the next generation to really truly connect with people?

Do you enjoy family gatherings or reunions? Do you think there will less of them in the future? Do you miss the way some things were in the past?


Thursday, September 04, 2008

Six Unspectacular Quirks about me

Here are the official meme rules: 1) Link to the person that tagged you.2) Post the rules on your blog.3) List six unspectacular quirks you have.4) Tag six bloggers by linking them.5) Leave a comment on each person's blog to let them know they've been tagged.

6 Unspectacular Quirks about me:
1) I'm a pack rat. I hate to get rid of ANYTHING. Just as sure as I do I will find a need for it. So we have tons and tons of magazines, most every book I ever bought(I am getting better about getting rid of ones I know I will NEVER read or never read again), but we have tons of stuff that we have no idea what it is. We even have an old early edition typewriter, antique tools, 3 chandleliers---too big for our house, and a lot of other stuff we will probably never need or use.

2) I'm an avid reader. I read all the time. I read while watching TV. I read everything.LOL

3) I'm a bit obessive about my books. I like them to remain as new and pristine as possible. If I lend books it's usually only to people I know are like me or it's books I don't really want back, or I've gone out and bought a second copy of the book for lending out.

4) I'm a freak over brochures. I collect those tourist brouchures you get at places. You know like when you go to the mountains and stop at the visitor center they have all these pamplets and brochures for places to stop. I get one for each place. Some I have like 4/5 copies of them where they've changed over the years.

5) I collect odd things. Floater pens, coverflats/bookmarks/extras from authors, mini playing cards, postcards, and then common stuff as well. I also collect ornaments from places I have been, and usually a magnet.

6) I love all things NC and history. I love to learn about my state's history and visit all the places in NC. I have not made it to them all but I hope to. There is no other state quite a wonderful as mine.

Okay there are 6, hugs,

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sherrilyn Kenyon book signing

Well here are a few pictures from Sherrilyn Kenyon's DC signing on August 18th. I had a wonderful time. Diana was great fun and Sherri was as always a wonderful person and so much fun.
I will post more about our other stops on our trip later.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A family weekend at the beach

Well after our bookclub meeting on Friday. I'll be heading to the beach to see my mom and some cousins. It's gonna be a large gathering. It should be interesting. I'll post pictures and stuff from our adventure later on.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our first book club

Well this Friday, August 15, 2008. We, meaning anyone in the Rocky Mount, Wilson, Greenville and the towns in the surrounding area will be meeting in Rocky Mount at the BAM for our first book club. As of now we don't have a name for the club, but Fatin has a bunch of goodie bags for those who attend. It should be fun. I can't wait. It'll be a rare chance for me to do something without my kids or hubby.

If anyone would like to attend you are welcome to.

Now I need to get back to my writing.

hugs to you all,

Sunday, August 10, 2008

RWA Chapter adventures....

Well on Saturday I went to Raleigh to an RWA chapter meeting. Well it was an adventure. First I'll say the meeting was great and very informative.

But my adventure began before I even got there. I borrowed my mom's TomTom, while she watched my kids. Well TomTom took me through 2 subdivisons and then back out on the road I was on to start with. So I got to go siteseeing and while the homes were pretty it was a waste of gas and time. I'm glad I left early or I'd have arrived late. LOL

Then on the way home TomTom took me on a scenic route again. I think it just liked the houses. Add in that it'd say "turn right here" as you were passing the turn. Or it'd wait until the last minute to say turn left, meanwhile I'm in the right lane on a 4land highway. Not fun.LOL

But it was interesting. And once I got TomTom figured out and changed a few settings it worked good. I think I'll stick with Garmin in the long run though.

The RWA meeting was really nice though and the members are very friendly and nice. I plan to attend again next month and hopefully every month from here on out.

hope everyone has had a great week and weekend.

As for reading, well I got ACHERON on Tuesday and finished it on Wednesday! Never read such an outstanding story before. I loved, loved, loved it!!!

I will post a review later on.

hugs to all,

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Tax-Free Weekend

Well this is our tax-free weekend and I plan to go shopping. I just have to admit, I'm alone, the hubby is racing the kids are with my parents and I'm at home alone, for a change. This is sooo odd. And I hate to get up and go out and be in the midst of crowds taking advantage of the tax-free weekend. But then again, I know I need to go out and get the kids some stuff.

Awww. a free day.

What do you do when you have a free day? What do you do when you are alone and have no real plans for doing anything?


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

want to win and ebook reader, and read Acheron on it?

Go to that link and enter to win an ebook reader and a gift card! It's a great contest and a wonderful series.
I can hardly wait for ACHERON to be released!


Friday, July 25, 2008

not doing much

Well I haven't post much lately. Really haven't felt like it. My eye is swollen due to allergys and so it's not much fun to read or write. Today is better, but it still looks bad. I think part of it comes from my teeth. I've got to go get some work done, but you have to have money to do that. And we don't. Or rather there are other things we'd rather spend the money on. Sad huh?

But I think I will see about getting some stuff together and try to get the work done in the next little while.

My son's last day of Speech for the Summer was Thursday. So for about 3weeks we are free from visits to town except to buy groceries and such. That should save a bundle on gas.

Well I'm going to bed early again, this makes like 4 nights I've hit the sack before 10pm. Have a great weekend.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cleaning, and unpacking.

I have a full day planned for tomorrow.
things to do:(Friday-Sunday)
1)Clean and straighten my son's room
2)clean and straighten my daughter's room
3)clean and straighten our bathroom(hopefully move tools to an outside area...)
4)work some more on the kitchen and laundry room
5)rearrange livingroom to fit new recliner in space.........figure out how to make a small room seem bigger when hubby keeps adding more and more furniture and expects my stuff to moved out....surprise my bookcases are staying......think he'll mind sitting on the porch?
6)help hubby deliver newsletters and candy
7)prepare for booksigning on Sat, make sure I have directions and books to get signed.
8)mail out books
9)put things in the grain bin and take new things out of grain bin(that maybe more on Sunday than Sat though, we'll have to see....)

Long days but maybe I'll get everything done I want to get done. My son has surgery on Monday and I'm nervous about it, so maybe if I stay busy I won't worry so much. Not likely to happen, since I worry anyway but we'll see.

Have a nice weekend everyone.

Author Signing

Well on Sat I'll be going to an author signing. I'm soo excited. There will be quite a few authors there. I'll post pictures next week, and let you know what books I buy.

I also have to say I'm so proud of my babies. A friend of ours has a son who's having a 13th b-day party on Sat. We were invited. So I asked the kids if they'd rather go play with some kids or go to their Grammie's house. They chose Grammie's. It's the first time they've been without me in awhile and they were so excited. Even the thought of other kids to play with couldn't get them to change their minds. I'm so proud they'd rather be with the grandma they adore more than anything.

They are thrilled to get to spend time with her.

My aunt has been sick lately, so we went this week to see she. She doesn't look good, but hopefully changing to a new doctor will help her to feel better.

Okay I gotta run.

Monday, July 07, 2008

hehe, I've got a playlist!

Okay I'm excited. I'd been wanting to add music to my blog for awhile now and kept putting off doing it. Then I found and here ya go. LOL

Okay I really really need to be reading a review book, writing 3 reviews, going through books....writing...but hey I'm playing online...LOL


July 5th Pig Pickin'

Well it was a pig pickin' in honor of July 4th. But really it was more like a family reunion for my hubby. Almost all of the family came, only I think 3/4 people didn't show up. So he and his dad got to see alot of people they normally don't. Some pictures were taken, as you can see.
There are more pictures. I'll post more in another post. Everyone seemed to have a good time, I know my kids did.
And it wasn't so hot, not cool really but at least it wasn't as hot as it has been. And no rain! Well until yesterday. Then we had some bad storms rolling through.
Hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

a little fun trivia

John Adams’ Final Toast

In 1826, John Adams, the second President of the United States, then 90, was on his deathbed as the nation prepared to celebrate its 50th Independence Day.
An emissary had been dispatched to invite the president to speak on the Fourth. Adams was ill and he declined.
The emissaries persisted, so Adams instead offered a toast.
His visitors anticipated grand words of flattery and praise, as was the custom of the day. But when Adams raised his glass he uttered only two words. Surprised, the emissaries asked him if he would expand upon his toast. "Not a word!" said Adams. Adams' final toast was that of a revolutionary:
"Independence Forever!" he said. Hear! Hear!


Fireworks In The Nation's Capital

Historians say Thomas Jefferson was the first president to host a fireworks display at the Presidential Mansion in 1801 (before the White House was built). Independence Day celebrations continued in Washington, D.C., despite mayoral bans which were largely ignored. In the 1920s, city officials chose to use the Washington Monument grounds to host their own fireworks display which they felt would be safer than those of private individuals. The tradition lives on with the National Parks Service hosting one of the largest displays in the country on the National Mall.
The display requires a crew of 10 working six days in advance to string 150 miles of wire to connect the fireworks to six separate electronic firing boards set up on either side of the Reflecting Pool. At precisely 9:10 pm on July 4th, pyro technicians begin the 20-minute show, launching more than seven tons of explosives for a total of 2,600 aerial bombs, some of which contain as many as 30 individual firecrackers per shell. The show typically includes color-changing chrysanthemums, variegated peonies, and kamuros with glittering tails, long-burning dahlias, whistles, tourbillions, crossettes, and pattern shells to create stars, hearts, and smiley faces. The show is accompanied by a National Symphony Orchestra concert on the lawn of the Capitol Building.


The Star Spangled Banner
"The Star Spangled Banner," sung to the melody of a drinking song "To Anacreon in Heaven," is based on a poem written by Francis Scott Key called "Defense of Ft. McHenry." During the War of 1812, Key overheard the British plans for attacking Baltimore while on board a British ship under a flag of truce trying to negotiate the release of a local doctor. The British, unwilling to release Key or his fellow negotiator, held these Americans on board as the British navy attacked Fort McHenry. Upon seeing the American flag still flying in the morning as his ship entered Baltimore harbor, an inspired Key wrote his famous poem. "The Star Spangled Banner" became America’s national anthem by President Wilson's executive order in 1916. Congress would confirm this order in 1931.


The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Julia Ward Howe, the wife of a Boston abolitionist, wrote this hymn during the Civil War after visiting the Union army encamped on the Potomac near Washington, D.C. The hymn first appeared in the Atlantic Monthly in 1862 and went on to become the rallying anthem of Union soldiers. It later inspired American soldiers in World War II as well as civil rights activists in the 1960s. "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" is the source of the title for John Steinbeck's book "Grapes of Wrath" and is considered to be the unofficial anthem of the Republican Party.
My Country 'Tis of Thee / America
Samuel Smith wrote this song while studying in a seminary outside of Boston, MA. Based on the melody from Britain's national anthem "God Save the King," it was first performed in 1831 at a children's Independence Day celebration in Boston. "My Country 'Tis of Thee" went on to become the de facto national anthem of the United States for most of the 19th century.
You're a Grand Ole' Flag
Written by George Cohan for the musical "George Washington, Jr.," it debuted on the play's opening night of Feb. 6, 1906. This is the first song from a musical to sell over one million copies of sheet music.
God Bless America
Irving Berlin wrote this song in 1918, but its tone was not in line with the comedic show for which it was written. When looking for peaceful song as war loomed in Europe two decades later, Berlin pulled this tune off the shelves and modified it to reflect the current conditions. The radio broadcast of Kate Smith's rendition of "God Bless America" on Armistice Day in 1938 rocketed this song to national acclaim. Woody Guthrie, unhappy with Berlin's song, wrote "This Land is Your Land" in 1940 in response to this patriotic tune.

When was the 4th of July first celebrated?
John Adams predicted in a letter to his wife Abigail that Americans would celebrate their Independence Day on July 2. Off by two days — not too bad for government work.
On July 2, 1776, Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, signed only by Charles Thompson (the secretary of Congress) and John Hancock (the presiding officer). Two days later Congress approved the revised version and ordered it to be printed and distributed to the states and military officers. The other signatures would have to wait.
Many actually viewed the Declaration of Independence as a yawner — a rehashing of arguments already made against the British government. John Adams would later describe the Declaration as "dress and ornament rather than Body, Soul, or Substance." The exception was the last paragraph that said the united colonies "are and of Right ought to be Free and Independent states" and were "Absolved of all Allegiance to the British Crown."
For Adams, it was the momentum towards achieving American independence initiated on July 2 that future generations would consider worth celebrating, not the approval of this document on July 4.
Interestingly, the pomp and circumstance that many Americans presume took place on July 4, 1776, actually occurred days to weeks afterwards.
The Philadelphia Evening Post published the Declaration's full text in its July 6 newspaper. And the Declaration of Independence was publicly read from the State House in Philadelphia on July 8. Later that day, it was read in Easton, PA, Trenton, NJ, and to the local embryonic militia to provide much-needed inspiration against the formidable British.
The shouting and firing of muskets that followed these first public readings represent America's first celebrations of independence.
As copies spread, the Declaration of Independence would be read at town meetings and religious services. In response, Americans lit bonfires, fired guns, rang bells, and removed symbols of the British monarchy.
The following year, no member of Congress thought about commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence until July 3 — one day too late. So the first organized elaborate celebration of independence occurred the following day: July 4, 1777, in Philadelphia. Ships in the harbor were decked in the nation's colors. Cannons rained 13-gun salutes in honor of each state. And parades and fireworks spiced up the festivities.
Fireworks did not become staples of July 4 celebrations until after 1816, when Americans began producing their own pyrotechnics and no longer relied on expensive fireworks from across the pond.
Since 1777, the tradition of celebrating America’s independence on July 4 has continued.

I hope everyone has a happy and safe Fourth of July!

Proud to be an American!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

it's the small things, ya know?

I was thinking today about the small things. The times my husband has fixed the radio so the speakers were how I like them, or when he makes sure the A/C is on if we've been gone but will be returning that day....or when he buys a shower head because it's one the hotel in Fla had that I loved, or the sink fixture that matched the bath fixture because I said "but I'd really like them to match" or buying the sink fixture with a sprayer even though it means more work for him.......or coming home with books even after fussing about how many books I own(his most often used words are "don't you think you have enough books already?" to which I always respond "there is no such thing as enough books").....or eating foods I like or going out to eat because I complained we didn't see enough of each other.......

The small things the kids do like saying "what?" "I didn't do nothing" "but moma I love you sooo much" Or when Jr made a book for mother's day and said I was old but weighted only like 80lbs...LOL

Or my baby girl saying "it's me and moma this time" or I love you moma" or any number of little things. The looks they can give you, the smiles on their faces when you've been gone only 10minutes......the love that shines within their eyes when they see you coming.....There's a 101 things they do, say or just have about them that is hard to explain but means so much. My son looking and acting so much like his daddy, my baby girl wanting moma and wanting to look like me(Lord help her, I hope not) hubby trying to make me laugh even when I'm really teed at him, and me trying my best not to smile at him, but not succeeding.....

It's the small things that add up to make things work. The big things are nice, a Volvo when we needed a new car (it's not new, it's a '92 model but I love it wouldn't want to trade it unless it's for a newer model), or there are other big things he's done. But it's the small things. I get to stay home with our kids while he works, and works hard. That's a big and small thing at once. The day to day things about it maybe small but the overall affect it has on our lives is big. My kids will always be able to say "my mom was home with us". That's a big thing for me. I never had any dreams or plans to be a career woman. At one time I wanted to be a Vet, but then I helped a Vet and realized I'd have to put pets to sleep, couldn't do it. Lost that dream very early on, I knew it wasn't in me to do it. Heck I did all I could when I was 14 to keep a kitten alive that was just a little over 4wks old and had lost an eye to our dog, woke every 1hr and half to 2hrs to feed her with a needle and did all the things she needed, knowing she'd most likely only live a couple of weeks, but I had to try.....

I had figured I'd might try graphic design since I liked it in school..I loved reading and writing as well...but above it all, even as a kid I wanted to be a mom. A mom who could stay home with my kids. It means I don't have a new car, I don't wear the latest fashions, I don't buy designer clothes, or the newest gadgets. But I get to be a stayathome mom. I love it much more than all the other stuff. My kids want for very little. Do they get every new toy? No. But they do have tons and plenty of clothes and enough food. Everything they "need" and lots of what they "want". Plus mom is ALWAYS there.

Well after this long post. My point is that I was thinking about all the small things my husband does that I forget to thank him for. It's the small things that show me how much he loves me. I wonder if the things I do show him how much I love and adore him? Maybe if we took more time to notice the small things, the extra napkins when a fast food cashier notices we have kids, the smile from the bank teller when the kids are getting on your nerves by not being still at the bank, the parent in line ahead of you or behind you who smiles and says "I remember when mine were that age....don't worry it gets easier and harder", the photographer who says "they are such happy children, what did you do?" the teacher who says" I love knowing I'll have them in my class, not just for them, but because I get to have you as well"......the small little things, a smile from a cashier...a thank you that is whispered......a laugh from our kids when they see a bird.....a smile and look mom that's a turtle chasing a squirrel when they see the clouds or a 'mom did they have clouds when you were a kid'(you know cause I'm so old) or even the "mom was Jesus alive when you were a kid?" (okay that one kinda hurts, but still it's from a 6yr old, the fact it's asking about Jesus is a pleasure)'s the small things that are done, not for a great reward, but just because. Because it's nice. The email that comes and says "hey hadn't talked to you in awhile just wanted to say "hi""......the book that arrives with bookmarks and postcards and such because the author knows I adore them and collect them....the remarks from an author when you've written a review of their work. It's all little things that often go unnoticed, but I think they are the best things about life. The small nice it is that small things add up to be bigger than the world.....


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Horses at Beaufort

I have loved going to Beaufort and seeing the horses out on the island. Ohh they are soo beautiful. One of these times we plan to ferry across so I can see them better. But in the meanwhile here are some pictures I took this past time we went.

Just got home from the beach.

Well we went with my mom to the beach yesterday and just got home today. I'll post a few pictures from our day trip. The water was really rough so we didn't get out in it. We did visit the Maritime Museum in Beaufort, it's really nice.

June 2008 reading list

I had a good month for June.Below are the books I read this month.

HIDDEN STEEL by Doranna Durgin
Rating 4

Rating 4

Rating 4 1/2

RATING 4 (reread)

DAWN'S LIGHT by Terri Blackstock
Rating 4

Rating 4 1/2

MISS FIX-IT by L. C. Monroe & Nicolette Derens
Rating 4 1/2

FINAL JUSTICE by Marta Perry
Rating 4 1/2

Rating 4 1/2

NOW AND ALWAYS by Lori Copeland
Rating 4

FROM A DISTANCE by Tamera Alexander
Rating 4 1/2

RICH MAN'S FAKE FIANCEE' by Catherine Mann
Rating 4 1/2

Rating 4 1/2

WILD JINX by Sandra Hill
Rating 4

Rating 4

Rating 4

SECRETS by Jude Deveraux
Rating 4 1/2 (This one reminded me a lot of the same style of writing she used with SWEET LIAR, a great great read)

Rating 3

Rating 41/2 -5
A great, wonderful story.

Rating 4 (reread)

ANATHEMA by Colleen Coble
Rating 5 (this is an outstanding story!)

Rating 3 (okay not great)

FINDING STEFANIE by Susan May Warren
Rating 4 (this was a good story)

Not a bad month at all! 23 books. I think I did great.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

I wanted to have kids?

I wanted to have kids? Are you sure I ever said that? Well of course at some point in my life I know I said "I want to have at least 100 kids". But then I also remember saying "and a nanny to help care for them". See even as I kid had some sense.LOL I have to admit they are driving me nuts today. When it's hot as it is today and you have no shade(thank hubby for the idea that planting trees will make mowing, well the kids can't really be outside for long spans and they are bored. They are picking at each other, which is really getting on mom's nerves. LOL

Kids you just gotta love them!

We had to leave early this morning for Speech therapy. Then hit the store for groceries and such, then Sam's club. All with two kids who were constantly aggravating each other. I swear between gas prices and food prices, we're all going on a diet. It's just outrageous. And sadly we didn't do a garden this year, mostly due to the loss of my motherinlaw. But I certainly miss it.

I do have to say,if I can keep it off, according to the scales, I've lost 25lbs this month. Can't tell it really, but then if I lost about 40lbs you wouldn't be able to tell it. LOL I still look like me. And nope I'm not dieting. Just eating only when hungry and once the hunger is appeased I stop. I'm also not nibbling like I tend to do. I've been chewing gum instead. And it's just tooo hot to really cook and eat alot. Please I've been eating more Subway subs, and I'll say it, I do think eating there helps people loss weight. I mean really unless you eat a footlong by yourself, it's really a lot healthier than a burger.

The kids have even started to branch out in what they will eat. The love sweet and sour chicken now. And baby girl loves tacos.

Well time to go. Gotta see what they are into, they got quiet and any one who's a parent knows that can only mean trouble.......

WendyK*and yep I'm still writing. I've been really good about either writing a scene or working on some part of the story at least an hour each day! I'm proud of myself. LOL*

Monday, June 23, 2008

Weekends over

Well the weekends over. We spent most of Saturday from about 12pm until around 5:30pm at the R.C. racetrack in Wilson,NC. It was interesting. Me and the kids went into the hobbyshop and looked at the model train set up. They are wonderful, so very detailed and the guys up there are willing to talk to the kids and my son had a ball. He didn't want to leave them, even to return to the races. And this is a kid who's worked to get his own RC race car. The plan is for son and daddy to race at the dirt track in Wilson, which as it turns out runs on the weekends the paved track doesn't run. Hummm, funny that huh?

We never made it to the beach. But goes on. We went out to eat,but for lunch and for supper.

Okay gotta run,

Friday, June 20, 2008

A good day

Well today I got up and had to fix hubby's computer and a program he uses to do home inspections on. David at HomeGauge was really great. Then wash clothes and dry and put up. Then be in Greenville before 12pm to get a package hubby had ordered that came UPS and was waiting to be picked up. Hubby has decided it'll be great fun for him and our son to RC race. He did this about 10yrs ago when the old mall used to have an indoor track. But then stopped. And now he's found an outdoor paved track, a couple of dirt tracks, an off road track and an series that is partly sponsored by Tony Stewart, his favorite NASCAR driver now. So I just shake my head. He races I read. Our son is all for it. He's ready to race. So we went today to pick up one of the cars he'd ordered. Now we are awaiting the 2pack of trucks and I believe another car. I can't complain he doesn't spend much on other things. Hunting, fishing, and racing are his things. I'd rather him do that than go out drinking and stuff.

Well anyway, I got home from that and had to rush to get things together to ride with hubby when he went to deliver flyers and candy to real estate agents. It's become our time. We got with him, and then go out to eat and browse or shop or just spend time together. Today we went to the hobby stories, visited the tracks, ate at Dennys then went to BAM and home. Didn't even buy a book today.LOL Instead I bought a WRITING BASICS magazine and hubby got an RC magazine.

Tomorrow he's got a re-inspection, then we go watch an RC race a friend of his is racing tomorrow and hubby wants to get a better feel for the track. Then we plan to head to the beach house, hopefully. LOL

I have mailings to do tomorrow, so I have to get up early to get to the PO before they close and get some 20 or so packages out.

Now I'm off to read some more. Hope everyone has a great night and weekend.


Our 12th Anniversary

Me and Hubby

I thought I'd post some pictures from our wedding 12yrs ago, this Sunday. I'll try to post more either this weekend or Monday. We plan to enjoy our anniversary so I may not be online much.

1st picture is of course me and hubby.

2nd picture is us eating cake

3rd picture is my mom and his mom
4th picture is me and my cousin, James. He gave me away and has always been like a dad to me.

5th picture is us not long after we said "I do"

and the last picture is me at Fort Macon on our Honeymoon.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I just don't get some people

Recently we had a young boy to be killed by his parents. They tied him to a tree overnight as punishment for not doing as told. Basically for being 13. I don't get the parents. I really don't. It makes no sense to me. I mean what exactly could a kid do to deserve a punishment like that? And as a mother I'd never let my baby stay outside! Apparently I'm just a weird parent.

I just don't understand this world. I was thinking of the boys mother. She passed a few years ago from cancer,I believe and it was his dad and stepmom who did this. But I could see his mom up in heaven crying for her baby. Now she's holding him. I'm sure she's happy but sad as well.

What has our world turned into?


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all that dad's and that includes our heavenly Father. We didn't do much today. Just spent time with my fatherinlaw.

We watched the race, or they did. I came back to the house and worked on some reports. We did watch the Fast And Furious Tokoyo Drift movie tonight. It was good.

There's nothing on TV now and has gotten to where there rarely is. I adore BONES and Army Wives, out side those I don't really care what's on TV anymore.

Well I'll go back to reading. Ohh I did get some writing time today. But I don't think I'm happy with what I wrote, at least I did write. That's a major step for me. I plan to write more each day and to write SOMETHING everyday.LOL

And yes I do mean something more than this or reviews or what knot.

Hope everyone has a great night and have a great day tomorrow. May if full of bright happy moments.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Like this song

I really really like this song!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I couldn't resist

I got this image from Jenn, Gennita Low. She had it on her blog and I couldn't resist posting it. Now that's a bad day at work!